Catch Up

This picture gets to represent my weekend. Started out with some quality time with my brother on Friday at this restaurant, eating great Italian food and catching up. Great night. 
On Saturday I first hung out with Ida again, but this time we stayed at my place and just relaxed. Then at night I headed out to Marina (she lives in the suburbs of Stockholm) where I met her family and the called me "the savior" because of how much I had helped her in the States with her family. That was fun! Later we went to her friend for a party. Quoting Marina "Welcome to Stockholm!", it was a different but fun! Ended up not going out, but that was probably for the best because I had work on Sunday! 
        On Monday I walked to Gamla Stan and passed both the parliament (that's where all the birds are hanging out) and the castle (where they're piling up snow for a cross country race on Wednesday). Remembering more and more how Stockholm is a really beautiful city. I really hope I get some good, warm, sunny days before I return so I can walk around and soak that in! 
          At work today I saw a note saying there would be a movie shooting outside this week, and sure enough in the after noon they started showing up. They had changed the outside of a club so it looked all smashed and then they kept shooting this one scene all the time. In the relentless snow that kept falling. After checking things out I saw that it was no other than Ola Rapace (who actually did a little international splash in Skyfall as a bad guy) who had a bg part in the movie. The people working around the set couldn't tell which movie they're shooting so I guess I'll have to keep a lookout! Cool things like this doesn't happen that often in Linköping, Stockholm is definitely exciting!     When I was done working I met up with my brother again to eat something before we headed to the cinema. I had acquired tickets to the preshowing of Kon-Tiki:
A movie that made my Norwegian side very proud! 
Also in the midst of all this my awesome team LHC played another game in the playoffs and won. So they are now in the lead of this quarter final. Fantastic end to the day to find that out! I really wish I could have been there watching the games live! 



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a former au pair finding her way back in Sweden.

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