Zucchini Pasta with Chicken and Raspberry Ice Cream

After a couple of days of my sugarfree days I made dinner for my dad. Found both these recipes on http://emmabarremyr.blogg.se/ 
First the zucchinipasta
Ingredients (serves 2):
2 zucchinis
2 ripe avocados
1 clove of garlic
2 handfuls of arugula
1 tbs chopped chive
1 tbs chopped chili
3/4 dl almond milk
2 chicken fillets
shelled walnuts
Mix the avocado, garliv, arugula, chive, chili, almond milk and salt to a creamy sauce. Using a peeler, shred the zucchini to look like pasta. Then mix the sauce and pasta together and put it in the fridge to get to kinow each other. The chicken I cut into pieces and fried with salt and pepper and garlic. Take out the zucchini and put it on plates and then put the chicken on top of it with some walnuts. 
For dessert I made a raspberry ice cream. A delicious treat! 
Raspberry Ice Cream (serves 2): 
250 g frozen raspberries
1 avocado
1 tsp vanilla powder (not vanilla sugar) 
Mix it all in a food processor, and add some water if it's not smooth enough. And it's done! 
A success according to my father. And I quite agree. A good start! 


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a former au pair finding her way back in Sweden.

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