
So this has been a while! 
Did you know a new job can drain you of so much energy? 
Because that's pretty much what I've been doing. Working and then coming home and not having the motivation to do this big job of writing. Because I have a lot of things I want to write here. So now you're in for a treat! 
A bunch of things I've done this last month, but also a lot of recipes from my new way of life. I quit sugar about 6 weeks ago, though this last week has been a little bit of a bust in that department so I'm starting over again on Monday, and this time I have my sister with me! 8 weeks of no simple carbs or sugar. 
It's not as bad as it sounds! Has made cooking a lot more fun, because I have to really think and explore. And the best part is,
it tastes REALLY GOOD! So I thought I'd compile the recipes here, for easy access for me and others. My own little cook book maybe? 
Anyway. I'm back and trying to get on track with all these posts.
Here we go! 


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a former au pair finding her way back in Sweden.

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