Paleo Mudcake + Walnut and Chocolate Balls

Me and my mother were invited to a lunch with my grand parents and my grand father's siblings. We decided to be in charge of the dessert. Sugar free style. It was a hit!
Paleo Mudcake
3 eggs
10 dates
2 dl almond flour
1 dl coconut flakes
5 msk cacao
1/2 dl coconut oil
1 tsk vanilla powder
1 tsk baking powder
En pinch of salt
Turn the oven on 175 C. Mix the date and coconut flakes in a food processor. Pour in the almond flour (super easy to make yourself in a food processor), cacao, vanilla powder, baking powder and salt and mix some more. Melt the oil and pour it in the batter with the eggs. Mix until smooth. Grease the baking tin with the coconut oil and sprinkle some coconut flakes over the tin. Pour the batter in the tin and cook in in the oven for 8 minutes, it's supposed to be sticky when you take it out. Put it in the fidge for at least an hour before serving it.
Serve with whipped cream. 
Walnut and Chocolate Balls

2 dl walnuts
1 dl cashew nuts
5 dates 
2 tbs coconut oil
1 - 2 tbs cacao
some water
Decoration: coconut flakes
Blend all the ingredients in a food processor, add some water if you need to. Make some balls and roll them in some coconut flakes. Store in the fridge or freezer. 
Serve with whipped cream, frozen raspberries and sprinkle with some more coconut flakes. 
It's always fun to spend time with these people. So many memories and fun stories! 


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a former au pair finding her way back in Sweden.

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