Babies, hockey and babies

I had two days back in Linköping before my next stop. First thing I did was seeing my cousin Natalie who was leaving for New York that Thursday and we needed to catch up! Also there was Sixten, her nephew with his parents, so I got to see this cutie again! 
On Tuesday me and Tamina was finally watching some hockey again but before that we went to a place called London Café (some new places has opened since I left) that had delicious scones with Daniella. Missed those girls ♥
Then we were off to Cloetta Center and watching LHC play Luleå Hockey. We had seats right behind the players, which was a lot of fun. Got to see them all up close for a change. Smelling the sweat, you can say ;)
The game didn't go very well for LHC, they actually lost pretty bad. 2-6...but we had a lot of fun, it was good being back. And after the game they have a thing called Meet the player with one of the players coming out to talk to the fans and writing autographs. And Tuesday our favorite Mattias Weinhandl was the player we could meet. So of course we for the first time went there and waited for him. Star struck? Maybe a little! 
Before taking the train to Stockholm on Wednesday after noon I stopped by another great friend who had a baby a week before that. Unbelievable and incredible. Such a beautiful boy that Leon, and I'm really looking forward to getting back to Linköping and seeing them again! 


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a former au pair finding her way back in Sweden.

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