Keeping busy

After that awesome start I had filled up my calender with awesome things, most of them consisting of meeting friends for the first time in a loooong time. Though some of them came on Monday, but I didn't know that when I made plans with those sneeky people. I also watched another movie at one of my favorite places in Linköping: 
where we this time watched "Hitchcock", I probably wouldn't have seen this if my mother hadn't gotten us preview tickets for free (perks of being a member of their club). It was really good! Saw it with Anna my neighbor and my mother and her friend. Lots of fun! 
I didn't take pictures of everything I did and all the great lunches or dinners I had, it's a lot easier to do when you are abroad. But I did take a picture of one thing I ate. the Semla, because that Tuesday was Fat Tuesday and on that day we eat semlor in Sweden. I like to call it Fat Week instead. I had 3 or 4 in total that week, haha! 
Also I got a picture of my friend Frida, a girl I met at the training school (at the beginning of my au pair year) but she ended her year early and started studying in Linköping, yay! 
Oh, and as you can see it's really snowy in Linköping (and the rest of Sweden). I came home to a Winter Wonderland! (Though around this time my dear Boston got snowed on a lot too).
Before the weekend I even had time to do a classic taco-movie-girls-night with Tamina and Madelene (and my sister). 
So many things and people I've missed so much! 


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a former au pair finding her way back in Sweden.

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