SKI TRIP to Vemdalen

I love skiing so much, but for the last like 4 years I haven't been able to do it. And more than a one day's trip with my family, it's been way longer than that since that happened. So for my dad to take me and my sister (our brother joined on Thursday because of school) for a week (6 days) of skiing was one of the most exciting things I looked forward to coming home. 
Realizing before it started my body might not like using up all that leg strength, and possibly being half paralized half way through since I haven't worked out all that much in preparation for it. That sure happened and the mornings of the 3rd and 4th day was such a pain! Though when you started to move around it got easier and easier. But I have to admit we did do some half days, because of risk management (it would have sucked getting injured...) but I still loved it! After Ski some of the days and towards the end it got really good. They had an awesome cover band playing and it was a lot of fun! And we had a dinner out (welcome home for me and birthday for my dad) which was amazing. Never ending fondue, what more can you ask for?
We had one day with awesome weather so the most beautiful pictures are from that day!
This is the road up to our cottage/apartment, which was 300 meters from the slopes. Awesomeness!


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a former au pair finding her way back in Sweden.

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